Today is dedicated to "Things That Make You Say Hmmm"…."Where They Do That At??" or better yet …"WTF"?
Hearing Impaired and Mentally Disabled Man Tasered
When did there become limits to how long a person can use the restroom? Antonio Love is hearing impaired and mentally disabled, he has led a very independent life in some respects. He was tasered by Mobile Police Department for staying in a Dollar General bathroom for an hour. Love said that he had gone to the restroom because he was sick to his stomach.Officers sprayed a chemical irritant into the bathroom, broke the door down and used a Taser in the process of taking Love into custody.The case against 37-year-old Antonio Love was thrown out by a city magistrate who refused to sign off on the arrest warrant.If you did not know who he was and what he was doing, what happen to asking questions? Why did this happen?
Here are a few comments from the Mobile Press Register:
Posted by Lilogla:
"Most of us empathize with the handicapped. He is so sure that he was in the bathroom for only 30 minutes, not an hour like the Store Manager said. The police officers did their jobs. It didn't turn out good but they did their job in protecting us. Ask this guy about how he can tell he was in the bathroom for only 30 minutes. Do not punish these police officers, please."
Posted by 123Ibelieve:
"Hearing aids don't help a totaly deaf person. HE obviously is able to hear something or he would not have a hearing. Yes, I'm deaf in one ear, no hearing aid, 45% hearing in one ear w hearing aid. I have a 10year old that certainly can understand that a police officer wants to talk to you. I have alot of empathy for the handicapped, however, this looks very odd at the least. I hope everything is checked out, not just the police. Even the handicapped should be taught to respect law enforcement."
Awful Dancing Makes Everything Better
WTF is he doing!?!?!?!
Free Advertisement Wanted
Why?!? Why are we advertising for companies for free? These companies pay millions of dollars to advertise their products. However you are paying them to make them money. I'll let you think about that one for a while...

Gucci Mane, you couldn’t have thought of anything more creative to rap about other than being wasted? Then to add to the fuc*ery, you got somebody grandmamma sipping syrup leaning wasted. The beat is hella hot but the lyrics definitely deserve a “WTF”!!!
"Purple codine sprite pink dont waste it; Mix it grandma drink it then taste it;Now grandma sippin syrup leanin wasted"
"Now im lookin 4 a b*tch to succ dis almond joy;Said she gotta stop succin cuz ha jaws sore; Gotta b*tch on da couch,b*tch on da floor"
That is just a hot ghetto mess!! Speechless, Baffled! My people, we got to do better, just got to do better!!