Since the talk of reinstating Michael Vick into the NFL begun, an instantaneous battle was formulated. The battle between animal lovers vs. sports fanatics ensued. I am a strong animal and sports lover; therefore, I could not pick a side. However, I wanted to get a great point of view from a man that has played the game as a teammate with Michael Vick. Mr. Jamal “Dirty Bird” Anderson expressed his assessment on the matter. Check it out:

Michael Vick
Just say the name and people immediately have an opinion about the man’s future...or better what his future should not be. The debates and arguments will continue to rage on because we simply have to be honest. There are people out there, and a lot of them, who don’t think Vick should have even served that much jail time for the offenses that he committed. Then of course there are people who feel like his punishment was not harsh enough. I don’t really care you how feel about Vick either way, because you are all entitled to your opinions and beliefs. But one thing I do know, since Vick has plead guilty, and served his time, he has done absolutely EVERYTHING that was asked of him. Including apologizing, taking responsibility for his actions, and go to Jail early. I know the last one does not seem major, but tell me how many HIGH PROFILE people who either plead, or are found guilty actually step up and start their sentence early? And those of you who don’t think he apologized, see : Vick's Apology
He has since released a new statement echoing those sentiments now.
What Michael was apart of was wrong, and illegal, PERIOD. I only got the opportunity to play One season with Mike, but I cant tell you from my personal experience, which is far more extensive than most, the he is NOT the demon some make him out to be. I will also make no excuses for his past transgressions. But people make mistakes, and when you own up to those mistakes, and do whatever is necessary to take responsibility for those mistakes, you should be given and opportunity to resume your life, in hopes of proving to people that you have changed, that you have made amends for the wrong that was committed. I certainly believe Mike has earned that right, and I truly believe that he will turn all of this negative stuff into positives by informing others to stay away from the things he was apart of. Of course, selfishly as a football fan I anxiously await the return of the Most talented person I have ever witnessed in Football equipment. Believe me I do not underestimate when I say that. People can talk all day long about his production, or lack there of, or his consistency, or lack there of, but you cannot deny his talent, and the need to want to watch when he played to see what he was going to do next. I could get into debates about his production all day long, and several circumstances that contributed to that. This however is about Mike Vick being reinstated, and the Fact that I fully believe that he should have be reinstated. I do not think the timeframe for his reinstatement is as critical as the fact he has been reinstated. Playing in the NFL is not a right, but a privilege that must be taken seriously. I think Mike has grown, matured, and realized what he has lost as a result of his past transgressions. I also think it is time to stop the persecution, and allow this man to re-enter society, and regain the privilege of playing in the greatest sports league in America.
Sure some may pick it and protest his arrival back, but others will recognize that it is time to move on, and he has served his punishment for these crimes. I look forward to seeing what the future holds next for Mike... I am hopefully he can regain the ability & confidence that made him one of the most feared to play against, and one of most fun to watch. I guess we’ll have to just tune in, see what’s next for Vick.....

Jamal “Dirty Bird” Anderson
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