Why are people enticing and perpetuating hate? It’s not like our country has a rosy picture perfect race relation past. At a time when there is the ability to heal open wounds, people are pouring alcohol onto them. I understand that there are some people that harbor hate in their heart that the GOOD LORD couldn’t remove. However, do not spread your hate and create situations that can stimulate a racially segregated environment. We have evolved a long way…but taking one step forward and having someone push us three steps backwards will not allow us to progress as a country. We are all Americans; we all bleed red, inhale O2 and have beating hearts. Stop building a hateful climate and country. People have lost their lives in an attempt to destroy the boundaries and hate you are trying to re-cultivate.

When racism is brought to anyone’s attention, one will be immediately accused of playing the “race card.” However, do you actually know what the playing the “race card” really means? Playing the “race card” means capitalizing on an opportunity through race. Simply, identifying perceived racial bias isn’t playing the race card. If we are unable to identify what’s wrong, how can we repair it to make it right? We cannot blame every black and white incident on President Obama’s America. There were incidents long before he obtained office; therefore he can’t be held accountable.
So, you have a president that doesn’t look like you. It feels weird to be on the other side doesn’t it? However, President Obama is half-white and half-black. He has just as much of you in him as he does me. You may not agree with his position on policies or his genuine desire to aid people in need; however you must respect his position. HE IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
From Kids on Bus to Kanye West: Race Rules All in Obama's America
i totally agree with you. we also have to remember though that racism can be played from both sides. i was on another blog today where they were discussing Khloe K's impending nuptuals (sp)and the blogger said something like he (lamar odem) passed up a black woman to be with Khloe. I have mad love for the blogger but i feel comments and attitudes like those are ignorant and make blacks in the community seem like hypocrites