All-American Basketball Alliance
Don “Moose” Lewis has created an All White Basketball league in Atlanta. Lewis is filled with the false reality that basketball is tainted and has drifted away from “fundamental” style preferred and played by white Americans. In its place, “street ball” played by “people of color” have engulfed the game. "There's nothing hatred about what we're doing," Lewis said in a statement. "I don't hate anyone of color." He stated that it is bringing back a certain “nostalgia type” entertainment. defines nostalgia as, “a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life....” So what he is saying is that he wants the ability to segregate America the way it once was? He wants to start this in the Southeastern portion of the United States where slavery and segregation was most severe. He will not be starting it in Mobile, Alabama…not in 2010 he won’t. Not here…we have come too far to go backwards.
It saddens me, because my mother talks often about having to enter the back door of a restaurant. My grandmother had to sit at the back of the bus and wait for hours at the doctor's office while being sick because the white patients were treated first. My mother remembers the integration of white high schools and hospitals. This is a very sensitive and painful subject for people that have experienced it and are continuing to experience it. It is disturbing that in 2010, people still have the sense that they deserve some type of entitlement and priority over everyone and everything. You can’t always be first.